From Mr. Fish to Mulagir and Murgleis

Peter with his Meurglys III, a black Guild electric guitar.
This website began under the working title of Mr. Fish, because that was my username on Discord. Roughly one year since its inception, the name of the site is going to be renamed to Murgleis. This name is in reference to the Song of Roland as the favorite sword of Ganelon, Roland’s stepfather and traitor to Roland. I chose the name for no greater reason than having found it to be cool-sounding, and one of the names of a three-part song by the Van der Graaf Generator, “…The Songwriters Guild.” It is truly an amazing piece of music in its own right.
I wanted to go with Meurglys, the anglicised spelling used by Peter Hammill for the name of his guitar, however that domain has already been parked. It seems that registrars are now fully in the business of reserving domains so as to jack up their prices later down the road, even the unlikely ones. is now being sold for upwards of 1 million dollars; insane, oh well. I was also able to register
The new domain and website name gives me the opportunity to distance myself from the abbreviated form of my name “grntbg” which, to my knowledge, has been co-opted by a Dutch political movement that I have no part of being.