Sad people and their key margins
It has come to my attention that, throughout this past week, a couple of individuals with whom I used to associate have been proactively trying to sully my reputation by spreading around my personal information (doxxing) which can be rather harmful in and of itself. However, they have now decided to take it a step further by claiming that I am associated with Group 764, an online child exploitation network.
These accusations are outrageous in their own right, but the motive behind doing this stands clear by way of its perpetrators. Corona, a former moderator of Esoteric Chat, left the community on unfavorable terms after his girlfriend, Elaine, was banned from the Discord server for doxxing one of its members (go figure) and encouraging other users to share pictures of underage girls.
In reality, Corona has a long and detailed history of grooming underage girls on Discord, and this was one of the underlying tensions that brought about his departure from the community. I have known Corona for over 4 years, but alas, he and his little brother, Alfred, are obviously responsible for doing this. They are upset at me for excluding them from my community despite totally forcing my hand by associating with scrupulous individuals such as Elaine. As such, they will never be permitted to use the forum or any other one of my services, for that matter, ever again.
I am not too concerned about the implications of this. First, there is no evidence that I have ever interacted with that community on Discord, and second, there is evidence of Corona having done some of the things which he has accused me of doing. This is a rather lazy way of trying to deflect the criticisms which I have repeatedly aired to them about their behavior. Since then, their behavior has worsened to the point where some of it is now criminal and I fear they will inevitably destroy their own lives in the process of descending further into this abysmal pit of depravity. I hope they decide to grow up and move on at some point.